Problems Downloading?
If you have problems with the download, you can get the
to email you a copy (except during June when he is on vacation) or give personal help.
If you are viewing a PDF file over the internet, and parts of page don't seem to load properly, then go back and download the file instead of viewing. Use a Right-Click (or a Control-Click on the Mac) to get a menu which lets you download first. You can view them later at your leisure.
If you are using Internet Explorer (version 4 or newer) with your internet security set to high (or set
too high
), you
files from any site you have not entered as a trusted site. If you want to download files, set it to medium, so that you will at least be asked
If the file newsletter seems to take forever, it's because it is usually over a megabyte and local phone lines aren't that great (56K modems don't really do 56K!). Normally count on about 10-15 minutes for the newsletter download, but once it's on your computer you don't have to get it again. However, if you open it (click) rather than download it (right click or control click), you will get only one page at a time and have to wait between pages for them to download.
If you can't open the file once you download it, you may need to get your free copy of
Adobe Acrobat Reader
, however there are very few computers that don't already have it.